Sample Application Overview

We have provided a sample application to help you acquaint yourself with the various features of ODK-X Survey.

Six sample forms feature comparison table
Sample Name




Example Form

a form with many examples of data entry widgets.


Grid Screen Form
a form used to demonstrate a new screen layout
that allows fully customized prompt placement.


Household Survey

a form used to gather information about a household.


To operate correctly, this requires the Household Member Survey sub-form and the Education sub-form
(you should not open those sub-forms directly, they are launched from within Household Survey).
Select Examples
a form with several examples of select prompts, including prompts
that access data on Yahoo servers, and others that access CSV files for their choice lists.


It also demonstrates the use of custom CSS styles to change the look of the form.

Household Member Survey

a form used to gather information about household members.

Yes, a sub-form of the Household Survey form
(you should not open it directly – it is launched from within Household Survey).
ODK-X Survey eliminates the repeat group concept and replaces it with sub-forms.
From within the Household Survey, you navigate into this sub-form by entering information about individuals in a household.

a form used to gather educational information about household members.

Yes, a sub-form of the Household Survey form
(you should not open it directly – it is launched from within Household Survey).
This sub-form saves information to the same underlying data table (household_members) as the Household Member Survey form,
but it asks different questions. This demonstrates the use of multiple forms to revise different sets of values within a data table.
From within the Household Survey, you navigate into this form when you enter education information about individuals in a household.


Since the Education and Household Member Survey operate on the same table, you will only see five tables in ODK-X Tables and in the Cloud Endpoint even though there are six forms.

Learn More

For instructions on creating your own Survey applications, view the ODK-X Survey: Designing a Form guide.