List of Available Methods in odkSurvey.js

Here you will find a list of all available methods for you to use that can be found in system/js/odkSurvey.js.



  • varToTest: The variable to be tested for array type.

Returns: Boolean value, true if the variable is an array, false otherwise.

Checks if a given variable is an array and returns a boolean indicating whether it is an array or not.



  • str: The value to be checked for string type.

Returns: Boolean value, true if the value is a string, false otherwise.

Determines whether a given value is a string and returns a boolean value accordingly.



  • tableId: The table ID that the survey is associated with.

  • formId: The form ID for the survey.

  • instanceId: This parameter represents a unique instance ID. It is expected to be either a string or null.

  • screenPath: The path to the specific screen or prompt.

  • elementKeyToValueMap: A mapping of element keys to corresponding values (optional).

Returns: A hash string for constructing a survey URI.

Generates a hash string for constructing a survey URI. This hash string is used for specifying the parameters required for survey navigation.



  • platInfo: Platform information, typically containing app-specific details.

  • tableId: The table ID of the form.

  • formId: The form ID.

Returns: The forms provider URI.

Constructs a forms provider URI for accessing specific forms within the ODK-X Survey app.



  • hashString: The hash string to be converted.

Returns: A complete survey URI for use in ODK-X Survey.

Converts a hash string into a complete survey URI suitable for invoking ODK-X Survey. This function is used to reformat hash strings for proper survey navigation.



  • tableId: The table ID associated with the form.

  • formId: The form ID.

Returns: The file path for the specified form.

Retrieves the file path of a specific form based on the table and form IDs. This is used to locate the form's assets.



  • dispatchStruct: An optional parameter for dispatching actions or results.

  • tableId: The table ID for the form.

  • formId: The form ID.

  • instanceId: This parameter represents a unique instance ID. It is expected to be either a string or null.

  • initialValuesElementKeyToValueMap: A mapping of element keys to initial values for pre-filling form fields (optional).

Returns: The result of the action, typically indicating whether the action was successful.

Opens a new survey instance within the ODK-X Survey app, allowing users to start collecting data for a specific form.



  • dispatchStruct (Any): An optional parameter for dispatching actions or results.

  • tableId (String): The table ID for the form.

  • formId (String): The form ID.

  • initialValuesElementKeyToValueMap (Object): A mapping of element keys to initial values for pre-filling form fields (optional).

Returns: The result of the action, typically indicating whether the action was successful.

Adds a new survey instance within the ODK-X Survey app, generating a new instance ID and allowing users to start data collection for a specific form.



  • dispatchStruct (Any): An optional parameter for dispatching actions or results.

  • intentAction (String): The intent action for the specific file attachment action.

  • tableId (String): The table ID for the form.

  • instanceId (String): This parameter represents a unique instance ID. It is expected to be either a string or null.

  • existingFileAttachmentFieldContent (Object): Existing file attachment field content, including content type and URI (optional).

Returns: The result of the file attachment action, typically indicating whether the action was successful.

Initiates file attachment actions such as capturing images, audio, or video, enabling users to attach files to a specific form instance.



  • dispatchStruct (Any): An optional parameter for dispatching actions or results.

  • tableId (String): The table ID for the form.

  • instanceId (String): This parameter represents a unique instance ID. It is expected to be either a string or null.

  • existingFileAttachmentFieldContent (Object): Existing file attachment field content, including content type and URI (optional).

Returns: The result of the image capture action, typically indicating whether the action was successful.

Initiates the action to capture an image, allowing users to take pictures and attach them to a specific form instance.



  • dispatchStruct (Any): An optional parameter for dispatching actions or results.

  • tableId (String): The table ID for the form.

  • instanceId (String): This parameter represents a unique instance ID. It is expected to be either a string or null.

  • existingFileAttachmentFieldContent (Object): Existing file attachment field content, including content type and URI (optional).

Returns: The result of the signature capture action, typically indicating whether the action was successful.

Initiates the action to capture a signature, enabling users to create digital signatures and attach them to a specific form instance.



  • dispatchStruct (Any): An optional parameter for dispatching actions or results.

  • tableId (String): The table ID for the form.

  • instanceId (String): This parameter represents a unique instance ID. It is expected to be either a string or null.

  • existingFileAttachmentFieldContent (Object): Existing file attachment field content, including content type and URI (optional).

Returns: The result of the audio capture action, typically indicating whether the action was successful.

Initiates the action to capture audio, allowing users to record audio clips and attach them to a specific form instance.



  • dispatchStruct (Any): An optional parameter for dispatching actions or results.

  • tableId (String): The table ID for the form.

  • instanceId (String): This parameter represents a unique instance ID. It is expected to be either a string or null.

  • existingFileAttachmentFieldContent (Object): Existing file attachment field content, including content type and URI (optional).

Returns: The result of the video capture action, typically indicating whether the action was successful.

Initiates the action to capture video, allowing users to record video clips and attach them to a specific form instance.



  • dispatchStruct (Any): An optional parameter for dispatching actions or results.

  • tableId (String): The table ID for the form.

  • instanceId (String): This parameter represents a unique instance ID. It is expected to be either a string or null.

  • existingFileAttachmentFieldContent (Object): Existing file attachment field content, including content type and URI (optional).

Returns: The result of the image selection action, typically indicating whether the action was successful.

Initiates the action to choose an image from the device's gallery or file system, allowing users to attach existing images to a specific form instance.



  • dispatchStruct (Any): An optional parameter for dispatching actions or results.

  • tableId (String): The table ID for the form.

  • instanceId (String): This parameter represents a unique instance ID. It is expected to be either a string or null.

  • existingFileAttachmentFieldContent (Object): Existing file attachment field content, including content type and URI (optional).

Returns: The result of the audio file selection action, typically indicating whether the action was successful.

Initiates the action to choose an audio file from the device's storage, allowing users to attach existing audio files to a specific form instance.



  • dispatchStruct (Any): An optional parameter for dispatching actions or results.

  • tableId (String): The table ID for the form.

  • instanceId (String): This parameter represents a unique instance ID. It is expected to be either a string or null.

  • existingFileAttachmentFieldContent (Object): Existing file attachment field content, including content type and URI (optional).

Returns: The result of the video file selection action, typically indicating whether the action was successful.

Initiates the action to choose a video from the device's storage, allowing users to attach existing videos to a specific form instance.



  • dispatchStruct (Any): An optional parameter for dispatching actions or results.

Returns: The result of the barcode scanning action.

Initiates a barcode scanning action within the ODK-X Survey app, allowing users to scan barcodes for data collection.



  • dispatchStruct (Any): An optional parameter for dispatching actions or results.

Returns: The result of the geopoint capture action.

Initiates a geopoint capture action within the ODK-X Survey app, enabling users to capture geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude).



  • dispatchStruct (Any): An optional parameter for dispatching actions or results.

Returns: The result of the geopoint capture action using a map.

Initiates a geopoint capture action using a map within the ODK-X Survey app, allowing users to select geographic coordinates interactively.