
Internationalization of web page content is achieved through the API exposed in the odkCommon object and the configuration contained in the XLSX files for the framework form and for the forms with formIds that match their tableIds:


Within the framework XLSX file, the framework_translations sheet defines the translations for all of the Survey form labels and prompts. On this page, the string_token column contains the identifier for a particular label or prompt translation. The text.default column provides the default translation for that label or prompt, and all subsequent text.{langCode} columns provide translations for each of those specific language codes (e.g., {langCode} might be es for Spanish). If the label or prompt supports image or media enhancements, there will also be image.default and image.{langCode} or audio… or video… columns providing differing content for those.

Also within the framework XLSX file, there can be an optional common_translations sheet following the same format as the framework_translations sheet. This can be used to provide an application-wide set of translations.

Similarly, within the tableId.xlsx file, there can be an optional table_specific_translations sheet that also follows the same format as the framework_translations sheet. This is used to provide a table-specific set of translations.

Defining the Available Locales

The list of {appName}-wide locales and the default locale are specified on the framework form's settings sheet. Individual Survey forms may define additional translations, but those will be form-specific and are not available to Tables web pages.

Locales are defined in two steps.

First, the survey row under the setting_name column on the settings sheet should have an explicit translation for each locale. Do this by creating columns labeled display.title.text.{langCode} for each locale {langCode}. It is recommended that you use the Android 2-letter language codes. These are the 2-letter ISO 639-1 language codes, with the exception that iw is used for Hebrew, ji is used for Yiddish, and in is used for Indonesian. Using these 2-letter codes will enable use of the Android system locale for selection of the display language if the {apppName} is so configured.

Second, for each of these {langCode} values, create a row on the settings sheet with that {langCode} value under the setting_name column. Then create columns labeled display.locale.text.{langCode} across the top of the settings sheet. Provide translations for this language choice or, alternatively, define those translations on the common_translations sheet and reference the corresponding string_token under a single display.locale column.

The default locale will be the top-most {langCode} locale that you specify on the settings sheet.

Referencing Translations in Survey XLSX Files

To reference these translations within a question prompt in a survey, instead of specifying a value under a display.prompt.text column, you would create a display.prompt column and place the string_token from the translations sheet into that column, leaving any display.prompt…. columns empty. The same applies for hint and title text.

And, finally, in all surveys, you can always provide on-the-spot translations for a prompt label by creating another column display.prompt.text.{langCode} and specifying the translation for that language code directly on the survey sheet.

Referencing translations in Tables Web Pages

In order to access translations, your web page must load the commonDefinitions.js file and the tableSpecificDefinitions.js files. Within Tables web pages, you can then obtain the appropriate translation via:

var locale = odkCommon.getPreferredLocale();
// obtain the text translation for the 'my_string_token' token.
var translatedString = odkCommon.localizeText(locale, 'my_string_token');

Additional methods are available within odkCommon to test whether a translation exists, and to obtain a localized image, audio or video URL. Refer to that file for the available methods.

Accessing the List of Locales and Default Locale

And finally, to access the list of locales, you can directly access that via:


This is an array of objects (no particular order). Each object has a display.locale entry that can be translated to the current display language, and a name which is the {langCode} for that locale.

And the default locale is available at:


XLSXConverter Production of Translations

After defining your translations on the framework and tableId XLSX files, the XLSXConverter must be run on these files to generate the translation files.

When the XLSXConverter processes the framework.xlsx file and emits two files (in addition to the formDef.json):


Of these, the frameworkDefinitions.js just contains a representation for the content of the framework_translations sheet.

The commonDefinitions.js contains the content of the common_translations sheet and the list of locales and the default locale from the settings sheet (as described in the previous section)

When the XLSXConverter processes the tableId.xlsx file, it emits three files (in addition to the formDef.json):

   /tables/{tableId}/definition.csv -- data definition
   /tables/{tableId}/properties.csv -- table properties

The last of these, tableSpecificDefinitions.js, holds a representation for the content of the table_specific_translations sheet.