ODK-X WebKit

The Java framework on the Android device injects two Java interfaces (odkCommonIf and odkDataIf) into both Tables and Survey WebKits. Additionally, it injects one additional Java interface into each: odkTablesIf into Tables WebKits and odkSurveyStateManagement into Survey WebKits.

Within the Javascript, it is expected that all interactions with these interfaces will be done through wrapper objects. Specifically, for odkCommonIf and odkDataIf, Javascript programmers would invoke methods on the odkCommon and odkData objects defined in

  • system/js/odkCommon.js

  • system/js/odkData.js

The Tables-specific interface is interacted with via the odkTables object defined in:

  • system/tables/js/odkTables.js

This wrapper object mostly invokes odkCommon to perform its actions, but does call the odkTablesIf injected interface's one method to load the list view portion of the split-screen detail-with-list-view layout.

The Survey interface is invoked within the Javascript that implements the survey presentation and navigation logic and should not be directly called by form designers.


This creates a window.odkCommon object that wraps calls to the injected odkCommonIf Java interface. When loaded inside the App Designer, it also creates a mock implementation of the injected interface.

This class provides support for:

  1. obtaining information about the runtime environment (e.g., Android OS version, etc.)

  2. obtaining information about the currently-selected locale.

  3. obtain the active user.

  4. obtain system properties (e.g., deviceId).

  5. emitting log messages to an application log.

  6. translations of text, media files and urls.

  7. conversion functions for retrieving and storing timestamps and intervals.

  8. storing and retrieving session variables (transient values that persist for the lifetime of this WebKit).

  9. converting relative paths of configuration files and of row-level attachments into URLs suitable for use in HTML documents (e.g., image src attributes).

  10. constructing form references used to launch ODK-X Survey.

  11. invoking arbitrary intents (external programs) on Android devices.

  12. obtaining the results from an intent that was previously invoked.

  13. exiting the current WebKit and specifying a return intent status value and extras bundle.

The explicit session variable interfaces (odkCommon.getSessionVariable(elementPath) and odkCommon.setSessionVariable(elementPath, value)) provide a mechanism to preserve the state of a webpage within the Java Activity stack so that no matter how nested the call stack to external applications becomes, it can be unwound and the state of the webpage recovered. Similarly, the invoking of arbitrary intents and the retrieving of their result intent status and extras bundle (excluding byte arrays) provides direct access to Android's native application inter-operation capabilities from within the WebKit. This interface is used within Survey for media captures; the internal methods that accomplish this are in system/survey/js/odkSurvey.js. Within Tables, this capability is used to navigate between HTML pages for general content, list views, and detail views (largely via the higher-level methods of the odkTables wrapper object). As a webpage designer, there is nothing preventing you from performing media captures from Tables web pages, or from defining custom prompts within Survey that launch into Tables list views, etc. by leveraging one or the other of the odkSurvey or odkTables objects.


This creates a window.odkData object that wraps calls to the injected odkDataIf Java interface. When loaded inside the App Designer, a mock implementation of the injected interface is loaded that uses W3C SQL to emulate the injected interface's capabilities.

This class provides support for asynchronous interactions with a SQL database (internally, this is implemented via a SQLite database).

The interaction to get the active user's roles would be:

// declare a success function
var successFn = function( resultObj ) {
  // do success handling
  var roles = resultObj.getRoles();
  // this will be a list of the roles and groups the user
  // belongs to.
// declare the failure function
var failureFn = function( errorMsg) {
  // errorMsg is a text string. Typically the getMessage()
  // of the Java Exception that occurred during processing.
  // do failure handling
// make the asynchronous request
odkData.getRoles(successFn, failureFn);

If the request failed, the errorMsg is the message returned from within the Java layer. As noted, this is typically the getMessage() of an exception.

Otherwise, the resultObj returned contains information about the outcome. This object is a wrapper object with accessor methods defined in the odkData.js file.


  1. the color information is only present within Tables. It is not computed and returned within Survey.

  2. the display names will need to be localized before use. See the APIs provided by odkCommon.


As noted, this is here:


It provides methods to open Tables generic web pages and list and detail views. These are generally just wrappers for calls to odkCommon to invoke the intents for those views.


As noted, this is here:


It provides methods to capture media files and. like odkTables these are generally just wrappers for calls to odkCommon to invoke the intents for those actions.

Other system/survey/js files

These files are generally not used by web page developers. They implement the survey form execution logic and their functions will be broadly covered later in this document.

List of Available Methods in odkCommon.js

Here you will find a list of all available methods for you to use that can be found in system/js/odkCommon.js.

We also provide access to this array of field names: in FieldNames: [ 'text', 'image', 'audio', 'video' ]



listener: A listener that will be invoked when an action is available. For example, the Java code can direct a change in the JS code without it being initiated by the JS side.

Should be invoked once after registration and after all initialization is complete to ensure that any queued action is processed.


Returns: True if there is a listener already registered.


Returns: The platform info as a stringified JSON object containing the keys: container, version, appName, baseUri, and logLevel.



  • relativePath: The path of a file relative to the app folder

Returns: An absolute url by which the file can be accessed.



  • tableId

  • rowId

  • rowPathUri

Returns: URL that media attachment can be accessed by.

Convert the rowpath value for a media attachment (For example, uriFragment) field into a url by which it can be accessed.



  • obj

Returns: True if obj is a String.



  • stringToken

Returns: The content of a display object for the given token.

Note that the return might include text, hint, image, etc. that are then localizable. In general, the resulting object can be customized further in survey XLSX files by specifying overrides for these fields.



  • locale: Device locale strings are of the form: language + "_" + country.

Returns: The language String extracted from the locale String.


Returns: An object representing the locale that was configured by the user in the Java-side's Device Settings.


Returns: Object containing details about the locale.

Get an object containing details about the preferred locale (preferredLocale), whether the preferred locale is the same as the Device's locale (usingDeviceLocale), and other information about the device locale (isoCountry, displayCountry, isoLanguage, displayLanguage)



  • locale

  • i18nToken

Returns: True if there is some type of localization for the given i18nToken and locale OR if there is a 'default' localization value.

The localization might be any of: a text, image, audio, or video element (For example, the field name that can be localized is not specified).



  • locale

  • i18nToken

  • fieldName

Returns: True if there is some type of localization for the given fieldName in the given i18nToken and locale.



  • locale

  • i18nToken

  • fieldName

Returns: The localization for a given fieldName in a given i18nToken and locale.



  • locale

  • i18nToken

Returns: True if there is a localization for text in a given i18nToken and locale.



  • locale

  • i18nToken

Returns: The localization for text in a given i18nToken and locale.



  • locale

  • i18nToken

Returns: True if there is a localization for an image in a given i18nToken and locale.



  • locale

  • i18nToken

Returns: True if there is a localization for audio in a given i18nToken and locale.



  • locale

  • i18nToken

Returns: True if there is a localization for video in a given i18nToken and locale.



  • locale

  • i18nToken

  • fieldName

  • formPath

Returns: The localization for a given fieldName in a given i18nToken and locale and prefixes it with the given formPath if the url is not already prefixed with a slash or http prefix.



  • timestamp: The ODK-X Timestamp string used to represent dateTime and date values. It is an iso8601-style UTC date extended to nanosecond precision: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.sssssssss. This value is assumed to be UTC and the value is assumed to be in the AD calendar (no BC dates please). 'date' types use T00:00:00.000000000 for the time portion of the timestamp.

Returns: A JavaScript Date() object.

Convert an ODK-X Timestamp string to a JavaScript Date() object.

NOTE: This method discards the nano fields.



  • refJsDate: A Date() object.

  • time: Time to start at. 00-24hr nanosecond-extended iso8601-style representation: HH:MM:SS.sssssssss.

Returns: A JavaScript Date() object.

A conversion that retrieves the LOCAL TIME ZONE year, month, day from 'refJsDate', then CONSTRUCTS A NEW DATE OBJECT beginning with that LOCAL TIME ZONE year, month, day, and applying the time to that object and returns the adjusted Date() object. The time is added to the zero hour, so that changes in daylight savings and standard time do not affect the calculations (HH can reach 24 hr during fall back days).

NOTE: This method discards the nano fields.



  • refJsDate: A Date() object.

  • timeInterval: Time intervals are padded with leading zeros and are of the form: HHHHHHHH:MM:SS.sssssssss OR HHHHHHHH:MM:SS.sssssssss-. The negative sign, if present, is at the far right end.

Returns: A JavaScript Date() object.

A conversion that retrieves the LOCAL TIME ZONE year, month, day from 'refJsDate', then CONSTRUCTS A NEW DATE OBJECT beginning with that UTC date and applying the +/- time interval to that object and returns the adjusted Date() object.

If the 'refJsDate' and 00:00:00.0000 for the time portion, if a timeInterval is positive, this produces a Date() with the time-of-day of the time interval. For example, this works correctly for the 'time' data type.

The padded precision of the hour allows representation of the full 9999 year AD calendar range of time intervals.



  • value: Integer

  • places: Integer number of leading zeros

Returns: A string after padding the indicated integer value with leading zeros so that the string representation ends up with at least 'places' number of characters (more if the value has more significant digits than that).

Examples: padWithLeadingZeros(45, 4) => '0045'. padWithLeadingZeros(-45, 4) => '-0045'.



  • value: Integer

  • places: Integer number of leading zeros

Returns: A string after padding the indicated integer value with leading spaces so that the string representation ends up with at least 'places' number of characters (more if the value has more significant digits than that). Note the treatment of negative values

Examples: padWithLeadingSpaces(0, 4) => ' 0'. padWithLeadingSpaces(45, 4) => ' 45'. padWithLeadingSpaces(-45, 4) => '- 45'.



  • jsDate: JavaScript Date. This value is assumed to be UTC and the value is assumed to be in the AD calendar (no BC dates please).

Returns: ODK-X Timestamp.

Converts a JavaScript Date to an ODK-X Timestamp. See toDateFromOdkTimeStamp() for the format of a timestamp. This zero-fills to extend the accuracy of the JavaScript Date object to nanosecond accuracy.

The UTC values of the supplied JavaScript dateTime object are used.

Values destined for 'date' types should set the UTC time to all-zeros for the time portion of the timestamp. Or adjust this after-the-fact in their own code.



  • jsDate: JavaScript Date. Times are padded with leading zeros and are 00-23hr form: HH:MM:SS.sssssssss.

Returns: The LOCAL TIME of a JavaScript Date object.

Time is extracted as the millisecond offset from the start of the local day, and then converted to a string representation. This ensures that changes in daylight savings time / standard time are properly handled and can result in HH being 24 during fall back days.



  • refJsDate: JavaScript Date. Time intervals are padded with leading zeros and are of the form: HHHHHHHH:MM:SS.sssssssss OR HHHHHHHH:MM:SS.sssssssss-. For example, the negative sign, if present, is at the far right end.

  • newJsDate: JavaScript Date. Time intervals are padded with leading zeros and are of the form: HHHHHHHH:MM:SS.sssssssss OR HHHHHHHH:MM:SS.sssssssss-. For example, the negative sign, if present, is at the far right end.

Returns: A ODKTimeInterval that represents (newJsDate - refJsDate).

Calculates the interval of time between two JavaScript Date objects and returns an OdkTimeInterval.

The padded precision of the hour allows representation of the full 9999 year AD calendar range of time intervals.



  • level: Levels are A, D, E, I, S, V, W.

  • loggingString: String to log.

  • detail: Detail to add to log.

Log messages using WebLogger. Given loggingString will be logged with given detail added.


Returns: Active user.



  • propertyId

Returns: Device properties.


Returns: The base url.



  • elementPath

  • jsonValue

Store a persistent key-value. This lasts throughout the duration of this screen and is retained under screen rotations. Useful if browser cookies don't work.



  • elementPath

Returns: A persistent key-value.

Retrieve a persistent key-value. This lasts throughout the duration of this screen and is retained under screen rotations. Useful if browser cookies don't work.


Returns: A generated globally unique id.



  • tableId

  • formId

  • rowId

  • screenPath

  • elementKeyToValueMap

Returns: A String representing a URI.

Constructs a uri of the form "content://org.opendatakit.provider.forms/<appName>/<tableId> /<formId>/#instanceId=<rowId>&screenPath=<screenPath>" followed by "&<key>=<value>" for each key in the elementKeyToValueMap.



  • dispatchStruct: Can be anything – holds reconstructive state for JS If this is null, then the JavaScript layer is not notified of the result of this action. It transparently happens and the webkit might reload as a result of the activity swapping out.

  • action: The intent. For example, org.opendatakit.survey.activities.MediaCaptureImageActivity

  • intentObject: An object with the following structure:

    • "uri" : intent.setData(value)

    • "data" : intent.setData(value) (preferred over "uri")

    • "package" : intent.setPackage(value)

    • "type" : intent.setType(value)

    • "action" : intent.setAction(value)

    • "category" : either a single string or a list of strings for intent.addCategory(item)

    • "flags" : the integer code for the values to store

    • "componentPackage" : If both package and activity are specified,

    • "componentActivity" : will call intent.setComponent(new ComponentInfo(package, activity))

    • "extras" : { key-value map describing extras bundle }. If a value is of the form: opendatakit-macro(name), then substitute this with the result of getProperty(name). If the action begins with "org.opendatakit." then we also add an "appName" property into the intent extras if it was not specified.

Returns: One of the following.

  • "IGNORE" – there is already a pending action

  • "JSONException" – something is wrong with the intentObject

  • "OK" – request issued

  • "Application not found" – could not find app to handle intent

Execute an action (intent call).

If the request has been issued, and the dispatchStruct is not null then the JavaScript will be notified of the availability of a result via the registerListener callback. That callback should fetch the results via odkCommon.viewFirstQueuedAction(). And they are removed from the queue via odkCommon.removeFirstQueuedAction();



  • resultCode:

    • resultCode === 0 – RESULT_CANCELLED

    • resultCode === -1 – RESULT_OK

    • any result code >= 1 is user-defined. Unclear the level of support

  • keyValueBundle: What to set the intent's extras to.

Terminate the current webkit by calling:

activity.setResult(resultCode, intent); finish();

Where the intent's extras are set to the content of the keyValueBundle.

This will log errors but any errors will cause a RESULT_CANCELLED exit. See the logs for what the error was.


Returns: The oldest queued action outcome or Url change or null if there are none. The action remains queued until removeFirstQueuedAction is called.

  • The return value is either a structure:

    • dispatchStruct: dispatchStruct,

    • action: refAction,

    • jsonValue: {

      • status: resultCodeOfAction, // 0 === success

      • result: JSON representation of Extras bundle from result intent

  • or, a string value beginning with #:

    • "#urlhash" (if the Java code wants the JavaScript to take some action without a reload)


Removes the first queued action.