Application Configuration File Structure

A complementary description is provided in the user-level documentation. The tool suite stores its configuration and data files on the SDCard in a directory structure rooted at opendatakit. The directories underneath this are application names and provide isolation of data and configuration from one user-defined application to the next. By default, if not specified, the application name is assumed to be default. Underneath this are 4 top-level directories:

        /assets -- common shared configuration
   -- application properties
            index.html -- HTML home page for Tables (if configured)
            /css -- common css files
            /fonts -- common font files
            /img -- common image files
            /js -- common javascript files written by you
            /libs -- common 3rd party javascript libraries
            ... additional directories and files
            tables.init -- identifies what to process during initialization
            /commonDefinitions.js -- shared translations (available in all webkits)
            /framework/frameworkDefinitions.js -- Survey template translations
            /framework/forms/framework/framework.xlsx -- XLSX framework form
            /framework/forms/framework/formDef.json   -- created from XLSX

            /{tableId}/definition.csv  -- defines the data model of the table
            /{tableId}/properties.csv  -- properties of the tableId
            /{tableId}/forms/{formId}/{formId}.xlsx   -- XLSX form
            /{tableId}/forms/{formId}/formDef.json    -- created from XLSX
            ... optional additional form definition files
            ... end optional additional form definition files
            ... any other directories and files you might want
    /data       - database and file attachments for this application
    /system     - internally managed javascript files and configuration
        /tables/js/odkTables.js -- wrapper for odkTables functionality
        /survey/js/odkSurvey.js -- wrapper for odkSurvey functionality
        ... the remaining files are not directly accessed
        /lib/...  -- 3rd party libraries used by Survey
        index.html -- Survey top-level HTML
        /js/mock/... -- mock interfaces used in App Designer
        /survey/js/... -- Survey javascript
        /survey/templates/... -- `ODK-X Survey <>`_ handlebars templates
    /output     - holds logging files, exported data
    /permanent  - available for device-only content (e.g., map tiles)