Cold Chain Guided Tour

This document guides you through the Inventory Management and Maintenance App, named Cold Chain. This application is stateful and does not have a single workflow to follow. Therefore it is organized by area of interest, with each classification broken down into different workflows and modules contained within it. Each individual module contains both a brief description of the purpose and function of the module, as well as an overview of how that functionality is implemented.

You can view a visual walk through of the Cold Chain workflows on our YouTube channel.


All file paths in this document are inside of the Application Designer directory. Additionally, all user-defined files in a Data Management Application are inside the app/config/ directory. For convenience, this document omits these portions of the file paths.

For example, let us assume I have stored the Application Designer directory on my computer in /home/bobsmith/workspace/app-designer. If this guide were to reference a file as :assets/index.html that indicates the file located on my computer at /home/bobsmith/workspace/app-designer/app/config/assets/index.html.